Oxygen at Work

Oxygen at Work is a pioneering environment-as-a-service startup in Switzerland dedicated to the next generation of sustainable office building design. Inspired by nature and driven by science, we provide innovative nature-based interior design solutions for improving indoor air quality and optimizing energy consumption in office spaces as part of a sustainable building. Our quest: to redefine HVAC technology through nature. Hence, our team is a dedicated group of physicists, engineers and business developers.
Bedarf Absolvierende pro Jahr:3
Bevorzugte Studiengänge:
- Angewandte Psychologie (Bachelor)
- Angewandte Psychologie (Master)
- Architektur (Bachelor)
- Architektur (Master)
- Bauingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Bauingenieurwesen (Master)
- Betriebsökonomie (Bachelor)
- Elektrotechnik (Bachelor)
- Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Engineering (Master)
- International Business (Master)
- International Management (Bachelor)
- Kommunikation (Journalismus/Organisationskomm.) (Bachelor)
- Management and Law (Master)
- Maschinentechnik (Bachelor)
- Material- und Verfahrenstechnik (Bachelor)
- Umweltingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsrecht (Bachelor)