Die Schweizerische Post
Bedarf Absolvierende pro Jahr:
Bevorzugte Studiengänge:
- Accounting & Controlling (Bachelor)
- Accounting & Controlling (Master)
- Angewandte Psychologie (Bachelor)
- Angewandte Psychologie (Master)
- Banking & Finance (Master)
- Betriebsökonomie (Bachelor)
- Business Administration - Health Economices and Healthcaremanagement (Master)
- Business Administration Marketing (Bachelor)
- Business Administration Marketing (Master)
- Business Administration Operational & Digital Excellence (Bachelor)
- Business Administration Operational & Digital Excellence (Master)
- Business Administration - Public and Nonprofit Management (Master)
- Data Science (Bachelor)
- Data Science (Master)
- Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Energy and Environment (Master)
- Facility Management (Bachelor)
- Facility Management (Master)
- Informatik (Bachelor)
- Informatik (Master)
- International Business (Master)
- International Management (Bachelor)
- Kommunikation (Journalismus/Organisationskomm.) (Bachelor)
- Management and Law (Master)
- Umweltingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Master)