Sensirion AG
Where market leadership meets startup spirit. Sensirion is an internationally active high-tech company with headquarters in Switzerland and subsidiaries in Asia, North America and Europe. For two decades, the ETH spin-off has been developing and producing world-leading sensors and sensor solutions for a wide range of applications in the medical technology, automotive and consumer goods sectors. As a market leader, Sensirion offers stability and security - and lives the start-up spirit of the early days. Today, around 1100 employees do their utmost with expertise and passion to always be one step ahead. For better quality of life, health, efficiency and safety –
Bedarf Absolvierende pro Jahr:ca. 15-20
Bevorzugte Studiengänge:
- Betriebsökonomie (Bachelor)
- Chemie (Bachelor)
- Elektrotechnik (Bachelor)
- Engineering (Master)
- Informatik (Bachelor)
- Informatik (Master)
- Maschinentechnik (Bachelor)
- Material- und Verfahrenstechnik (Bachelor)
- Systemtechnik (Mechatronik/Medizintechnik) (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Master)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)