cinfo - Schweizer Kompetenzzentrum für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
On behalf of the Swiss Confederation, cinfo coordinates and connects professionals with organisations active in International to ensure that the right people in the right places contribute to the SDGs. From top executives to young professionals, from multilateral organisations to small NGO's: cinfo connects people and organisations in international cooperation based on our global network. We strengthen the individuals' capacity to act, support organisations in recruiting and are committed to sector-related training and further education. We operate in the areas of recruitment, HR marketing, Career development, networking and monitoring.
Bedarf Absolvierende pro Jahr:1000
Bevorzugte Studiengänge:
- Accounting & Controlling (Bachelor)
- Accounting & Controlling (Master)
- Angewandte Linguistik (Master)
- Angewandte Psychologie (Bachelor)
- Angewandte Psychologie (Master)
- Angewandte Sprachen (Bachelor)
- Architektur (Bachelor)
- Architektur (Master)
- Aviatik (Bachelor)
- Banking & Finance (Master)
- Bauingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Bauingenieurwesen (Master)
- Betriebsökonomie (Bachelor)
- Biotechnologie (Bachelor)
- Business Administration - Health Economices and Healthcaremanagement (Master)
- Business Administration Marketing (Bachelor)
- Business Administration Marketing (Master)
- Business Administration Operational & Digital Excellence (Bachelor)
- Business Administration Operational & Digital Excellence (Master)
- Business Administration - Public and Nonprofit Management (Master)
- Chemie (Bachelor)
- Data Science (Bachelor)
- Data Science (Master)
- Elektrotechnik (Bachelor)
- Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Bachelor)
- Energy and Environment (Master)
- Ergotherapie
- Engineering (Master)
- Facility Management (Bachelor)
- Facility Management (Master)
- Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention (Bachelor)
- Hebammen (Bachelor)
- Informatik (Bachelor)
- Informatik (Master)
- International Business (Master)
- International Management (Bachelor)
- Kommunikation (Journalismus/Organisationskomm.) (Bachelor)
- Lebensmitteltechnologie (Bachelor)
- Life Sciences (Master)
- Management and Law (Master)
- Maschinentechnik (Bachelor)
- Maschinentechnik (Master)
- Material- und Verfahrenstechnik (Bachelor)
- Multimedia Production (Bachelor)
- Pflege (Bachelor)
- Pflege (Master)
- Physiotherapie
- Soziale Arbeit
- Sprachliche Integration (Bachelor)
- Systemtechnik (Mechatronik/Medizintechnik) (Bachelor)
- Umweltingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Verkehrssysteme (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Master)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Bachelor)
- Wirtschaftsrecht (Bachelor)